Most distinguished Ladies and Gentleman, I now speak to you with a heart carrying a heavy burden. Those near me can see tears developing in my eyes. They can also see worry written in my forehead as well as the sweat on my face. There is an issue that is greater than all of us. There is an issue that is even greater than our political parties. It’s an issue, I believe that our country is most suited to help find a solution.
Nigerians followed with keen interest and a very sober mind as young Uyo Lady who was job hunting was massacre and dug in a shallow pit. This story is all too common across the country. Thousands of young people are going through the same challenge after the promise that education will open doors failed to materialize.

I do not blame the youth. How can you blame them? They have done everything they are supposed to do. They have worked hard against difficult challenges to achieve what their leaders told them they needed. Then after all that, they end up in slums while civil servants who have far exceeded the retirement age of 60 continue being shortlisted for government opportunities. Others who have served political appointment for nearly a decade exit those offices only to be recycled to a ministry and Parastatals.
Many Nigerian Youths are unhappy, this government behaves as if nothing happened. They pretend that all is well. Are they sincerely opposing any fundamental political reforms to ensure that the injustice of the past is not repeated in the future? It has become fashionable for this administration to blame the past for many of the problems still confronting the country.
At times, it forgets that it was also a part of the past. Nigerians know that there was something wrong with the pasts. That was why they wanted change. They wanted a better and brighter future. This administration is in its sixth year in office. Instead of talking about the past ,it should rather tell the people what it has done to create a better future. It is not in their sixth year that they should continue to blame the woes of the present on those who governed before them. We cannot live in the past : we are tired of hearing about the past. The only sad thing is that from the way things are going, it is clear that it has become difficult to find people of honor any more.

For the youth whose future has been mortgaged by a rogue elders generation,we challenge you to redirect some of your energy away from Man United and Juventus to the urgent task of recovering your future being hijacked before your eyes and prove to them that the people can organized for freedom amidst of excruciating poverty.
We came on social media to show up how much we have achieved in the area of grammatical construct and usage but failed to take actions that will further shape our lives and the future of our unborn child.
Do you know we are the agent of divide and rule? Do you realised we’re the strength of this country. Don’t forget the liberal movement in Orwell’s Animal Farm? The powerful Boxer,Napoleon, Snowball and the like of others gained their freedom while they were young. What change will you bring as Youth of this country ? Being sectional revolutionists,.tribal ansars who only worship corrupt politicians? Loyalists of the politician, political lackeys of fossils leaders or what type of change would you like to bring forth?
This level of intolerance should not be allowed to continue. If this trend is not halted, a time may come when all armoured tanks and guns can not stand the tremendous force which the search for freedom.
For me I can see that the storm as started coming together. The best of our brains,the most experienced of our Youths,the brightest of our Lawyer’s, the most Activist of our crusaders have started coming together. The need for a country to be great is acting as a centripetal force that is pulling the together. They have shown that teargas will not stop them. They have also shown that the threats of arrest and detention can’t scare them.
The Nigeria of ours we want won’t be granted to us as a loan or a donation by anyone,I have a strong conviction that it will by the young people but only when we realise our obligations.
Please ,do not waste the impeccable energy on glorying corrupt leaders who have plundered millions of dollars from public coffers.
Let fight for thousands of unemployed youth, roads, hospitals, schools, fight the burgeoning impunity, hungry and democracy?
And yes, we don’t need to have a gun to change the current situation ,the only thing required is our voice and solidarity. We must wake up,identity together for a cause and demand the fundamental change that will restructure Nigeria.
We have spoken enough.
We have begged enough.
We have pleaded enough.
It is now time to act!
Kayode Ejidiran, a content writer with spygistnews.

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