It is with heavy heart, trepidation, anxiety and a trampled soul that I write you this open letter as a concerned youth in our nascent nation. Distinguished Youths of this country,I bring you greetings full of resounding revolutionary concerns intended for the cornucopian growth and fat – fecund states of our only denominator which remains the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The present government of Nigeria ran on renewing our nation from its increasing unemployment problems. For someone zealous to come back to office,one should expect that you would concentrate on itemizing prognostic ideas and solutions to some of these matters not to result of making empty but blanket promises they never fulfilled.
In case you haven’t noticed, Youth unemployment is currently at it’s highest in Nigeria.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, about 39 million Nigerians, most especially young people are unemployed. We’re blessed with too much in our home countries to have been suffer and be devalued this way as a youth. We have done what we are supposed to do. We have worked hard against difficult challenges to achieve what our leaders told us we needed.
Then after all that,we end up in slums and working on streets like beggars while public servants who have far exceeded the retirement age of 60 continue being shortlisted for government opportunities, others who have served for nearly three decades since 1993 exist those offices only to be recycled to another offices.
Applying for a job in this country is like waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ. We live in the country where government Official sell slot for jobs at government agencies for highest bidders. In case you haven’t noticed, thinks are really bad.

Youths are on the edge,broke,hungry and working for a miracle. You are treading on dice. Because everyone is accustomed to bad and failed government, majority have resigned their fate and are willing to accept whatever is thrown at them in the name of job opportunity, people have lowered their expectations due to incessant heartbreaks and failed promises. Our brothers and sisters who are graduate are being sold in Arab countries working under unfavorably conditions and we publicly consider that to be slavery.
We are still proud as Nigerians, we still put our right hand in our heart when we sing out National Anthem showing our love for the country. We never renounce our being Nigerian. We are aware that there is a small group of people who have completely forgotten that the foundations of this beautiful nation and everything in it was set up by God for all of us.

This group consists of few Nigerians who also believes that there is no way a son of a peasant can rise against all odds to become somebody. Instead of them meeting to discuss how to make out lives as youth and poor Nigerians better, they always meet to discuss his to debate about unnecessary issues.
We come on social media to show up how much we have achieved in the area of grammatical construct and the usage but failed to take actions that will further shape our lives and the future of our unborn children. What change will you bring as youth of this nation?
Being sectional revolutionists, tribal ansars who only worship corruption politicians? Political lackeys of fossil politician or what type of change would you like to bring forth? The youths of the world are changing their nations but here you’re inclined to doing a lot of nothing apart from divisive politics and negative theatrics.

The Nigeria of ours won’t be granted to us as a loan by anyone, I have a string conviction that it will come as a result of devoted push by the young people but only when we realise our obligations. Please did not waste the impeccable energy on glorifying corrupt leaders who have plundered millions of dollars from public coffers and are set for another looting seasons. Our energy can be used to fight for thousands of unemployed youths, fight for good roads,fight for well equip hospital, fight the burgeoning impunity, fight for hungry and fight for democracy.

We don’t need to have a gun to change the current situation, the only thing required is our voice and solidarity. We must wake up identity together for a cause and demand the fundamental change that will restructure Nigeria. There is a limit to every man’s patience; what is currently happening in this country is pushing young people to the edge. We are at the crossroads now,any will intentional move to further perpetuate this injustice will be met with resistance from the people.
We have spoken enough. We have begged enough. We have pleaded enough. It’s now time to act!
Kayode Ejidiran.
A Writer, Policy Analyst and New Media Consultant.

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